Package Manager for the V Language
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Data size units converter
Library for working with the .tree format.
A simple color library for V.
Read and write Bitmap images
Personal tools for generating websites using V.
A V module that provides support for xAI API
An implementation of RFC9457, Problem Details for HTTP APIs
Official up-to-date, auto-generated Raylib (and Raymath) bindings for V Current Raylib Target: v5.5
Libraries to help V developers develop AWS Lambda functions.
Scratchy - Get Scratch info about users or projects Using Scratch API for getting information about a user or a project Also using Scratch's session server, you can login using a token (that will be retrieved trough the session server, to get more info like if you're a new Scratcher, or if you are banned (but are you...?)
V Scientific Library
Utility functions for V
The Redis client is a software tool that allows you to connect to a Redis database over the network, send commands, and receive responses.
V bindings to quickjs javascript engine. Run JS in V.
GLFW bindings
Data size units converter
Library for working with the .tree format.
A simple color library for V.
Read and write Bitmap images
Personal tools for generating websites using V.
A V module that provides support for xAI API
An implementation of RFC9457, Problem Details for HTTP APIs
Official up-to-date, auto-generated Raylib (and Raymath) bindings for V Current Raylib Target: v5.5
Libraries to help V developers develop AWS Lambda functions.