

String and character lookup and manipulation utilities. What you're missing in the string type.


You can install this package either from VPM or from GitHub:

v install prantlf.strutil
v install --git


Some methods support arguments start and end , so that the operation can take place only on the middle part of the string to avoid creating a new string with the section to run the operation on. If the argument end is -1 , the length of the input string will be used instead.

is_space(s string) bool
is_whitespace(s string) bool

skip_space(s string) int
skip_space_within(s string, start int, end int) int
skip_space_within_nochk(s string, start int, end int) int
skip_whitespace(s string) int
skip_whitespace_within(s string, start int, end int) int
skip_whitespace_within_nochk(s string, start int, end int) int
skip_trailing_space(s string) int
skip_trailing_space_within(s string, start int, end int) int
skip_trailing_space_within_nochk(s string, start int, end int) int
skip_trailing_whitespace(s string) int
skip_trailing_whitespace_within(s string, start int, end int) int
skip_trailing_whitespace_within_nochk(s string, start int, end int) int

avoid_space(s string) (int, int)
avoid_space_within(s string, start int, end int) (int, int)
avoid_space_within_nochk(s string, start int, end int) (int, int)
avoid_whitespace(s string) (int, int)
avoid_whitespace_within(s string, start int, end int) (int, int)
avoid_whitespace_within_nochk(s string, start int, end int) (int, int)

contains_u8_within(s string, p string, start int, end int) bool
contains_u8_within_nochk(s string, p string, start int, end int) bool
contains_within(s string, p string, start int, end int) bool
contains_within_nochk(s string, p string, start int, end int) bool
starts_with_within(s string, p string, start int, end int) bool
starts_with_within_nochk(s string, p string, start int, end int) bool
ends_with_within(s string, p string, start int, end int) bool
ends_with_within_nochk(s string, p string, start int, end int) bool

index_u8_within(s string, c u8, start int, end int) int
index_u8_within_nochk(s string, c u8, start int, end int) int
last_index_u8_within(s string, c u8, start int, end int) int
last_index_u8_within_nochk(s string, c u8, start int, end int) int
index_within(s string, p string, start int, end int) int
index_within_nochk(s string, p string, start int, end int) int
last_index_within(s string, p string, start int, end int) int
last_index_within_nochk(s string, p string, start int, end int) int
index_of_eoln_within(s string, start int, end int) int
index_of_eoln_within_nochk(s string, start int, end int) int
last_index_of_eoln_within(s string, start int, end int) int
last_index_of_eoln_within_nochk(s string, start int, end int) int
index_after_eoln_within(s string, start int, end int) int
index_after_eoln_within_nochk(s string, start int, end int) int
last_index_after_eoln_within(s string, start int, end int) int
last_index_after_eoln_within_nochk(s string, start int, end int) int

compare_str_within(l string, r string, start_r int, end_r int) int
compare_str2_within(l string, start_l int, end_l int, r string, start_r int, end_r int) int
compare_str_within_nochk(l string, r string, start_r int, end_r int) int
compare_str2_within_nochk(l string, start_l int, end_l int, r string, start_r int, end_r int) int

first_line(s string) string
first_line_not_empty(s string) string
from_second_line(s string) string
from_second_line_not_empty(s string) string
last_line(s string) string
last_line_not_empty(s string) string
until_one_but_last_line(s string) string
until_one_but_last_line_not_empty(s string) string
nth_line(s string, n int) ?string
nth_line_not_empty(s string, n int) ?string
from_nth_line(s string, n int) string
from_nth_line_not_empty(s string, n int) string
last_nth_line(s string, n int) ?string
last_nth_line_not_empty(s string, n int) ?string
until_last_nth_line(s string, n int) string
until_last_nth_line_not_empty(s string, n int) string

replace_u8(s string, rep u8, with u8) string

check_bounds_incl(s string, start int, end int) int
check_bounds_excl(s string, start int, end int) int
check_bounds_strict(s string, start int, end int) !int

str_len(s &u8, end int) int
str_len_nochk(s &u8, end int) int

str_within(mut b strings.Builder, start int, end int) string
str_within_nochk(mut b strings.Builder, start int, end int) string
str_without_whitespace(mut b strings.Builder) string
str_without_leading_whitespace(mut b strings.Builder) string
str_without_trailing_whitespace(mut b strings.Builder) string


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Copyright (c) 2023 Ferdinand Prantl

Licensed under the MIT license.


String and character lookup and manipulation utilities.

last Aug 10

