
JSON Parser and Formatter

Strictly parse and format JSON / JSONC / JSON5 data.

  • Uses a fast recursive descent parser written in V.
  • Shows detailed error messages with location context.
  • Optionally supports JSONC - ignores single-line and multi-line JavaScript-style comments treating them as whitespace and also trailing commas in arrays ans objects.
  • Partially supports JSON5 - allows single-quoted strings. (JSON5 is work in progress.)
  • Offers both condensed and prettified JSON output.
  • Works with the Any type suitable for safe handling of JSON / YAML data.
  • Supports statically typed data as well.

Uses prantlf.jany . See also the prantlf.yaml package and jsonlint and yaml2json tools.


import prantlf.json { parse, ParseOpts }

// Prepare a JSON string
json := '{
  "answer": 42

// Parse a data from the JSON string
any := parse(json, ParseOpts{})
import prantlf.jany { Any, any_int }
import prantlf.json { stringify, StringifyOpts }

// Create a JSON data
any := Any({
  'answer': any_int(42)

// Format the data to a JSON string
str := stringify(any, StringifyOpts{})
import prantlf.json { unmarshal, UnmarshalOpts }

// Prepare a JSON string
json := '{
  "answer": 42

// Declare a target object
struct Config {
  answer int

// Parse an object from the JSON string
config := unmarshal[Config](json, UnmarshalOpts{})
import prantlf.json { stringify, MarshalOpts }

// Declare a source object
struct Config {
  answer int

// Assign a source object
config := Config{
  answer: 42

// Format the object to a JSON string
str := marshal(config, MarshalOpts{})


You can install this package either from VPM or from GitHub:

v install prantlf.json
v install --git

The package with the type Any will be installed automatically. You can install it explicitly from VPM or from GitHub too:

v install prantlf.jany
v install --git


The following functions are exported:

parse(input string, opts &ParseOpts) !Any

Parses an Any value from a string in the JSON format. See [jany] for more information about the Any type. Fields available in ParseOpts :

Name Type Default Description
ignore_comments bool false ignores single-line and multi-line JavaScript-style comments treating them as whitespace
ignore_trailing_commas bool false ignores commas behind the last item in an array or in an object
allow_single_quotes bool false allows single-quoted strings
any := parse(input, ParseOpts{})!

stringify(any Any, opts &StringifyOpts) !string

Formats an Any value to a string according to the JSON specification. See [jany] for more information about the Any type. Fields available in StringifyOpts :

Name Type Default Description
pretty bool false enables readable formatting using line breaks, spaces and indentation
trailing_commas bool false inserts commas behind the last item in an array or in an object
single_quotes bool false format single-quoted instead of double-quoted strings
escape_slashes bool false escape slashes by prefixing them with a backslash (reverse solidus)
escape_unicode bool false escape multibyte Unicode characters with \u literals
str := stringify(any, StringifyOpts{ pretty: true })!

marshal[T](value T, opts &MarshalOpts) !string

Marshals a value of T to a string value. Fields available in MarshalOpts :

Name Type Default Description
enums_as_names bool false stores string names of enum values instead of their int values
pretty bool false enables readable formatting using line breaks, spaces and indentation
trailing_commas bool false inserts commas behind the last item in an array or in an object
single_quotes bool false format single-quoted instead of double-quoted strings
escape_slashes bool false escape slashes by prefixing them with a backslash (reverse solidus)
escape_unicode bool false escape multibyte Unicode characters with \u literals
struct Config {
    answer int

config := Config{ answer: 42 }
str := marshal(config, MarshalOpts{})!

unmarshal[T](input string, opts &UnmarshalOpts) !T

Unmarshals an Any value to a new instance of T . Fields available in UnmarshalOpts :

Name Type Default Description
ignore_comments bool false ignores single-line and multi-line JavaScript-style comments treating them as whitespace
ignore_trailing_commas bool false ignores commas behind the last item in an array or in an object
allow_single_quotes bool false allows single-quoted strings
require_all_fields bool false requires a key in the source object for each field in the target struct
forbid_extra_keys bool false forbids keys in the source object not mapping to a field in the target struct
cast_null_to_default bool false allows null s in the source data to be translated to default values of V types; null s can be unmarshaled only to Option types by default
ignore_number_overflow bool false allows losing precision when unmarshaling numbers to smaller numeric types
struct Config {
    answer int

json := '{
  "answer": 42

config := unmarshal[Config](json, UnmarshalOpts{})!

unmarshal_to[T](input string, mut obj T, opts &UnmarshalOpts) !

Unmarshals an Any value to an existing instance of T . Fields available in UnmarshalOpts :

Name Type Default Description
ignore_comments bool false ignores single-line and multi-line JavaScript-style comments treating them as whitespace
ignore_trailing_commas bool false ignores commas behind the last item in an array or in an object
allow_single_quotes bool false allows single-quoted strings
require_all_fields bool false requires a key in the source object for each field in the target struct
forbid_extra_keys bool false forbids keys in the source object not mapping to a field in the target struct
cast_null_to_default bool false allows null s in the source data to be translated to default values of V types; null s can be unmarshaled only to Option types by default
ignore_number_overflow bool false allows losing precision when unmarshaling numbers to smaller numeric types
struct Config {
    answer int

json := '{
  "answer": 42

mut config := Config{}
config := unmarshal_to(json, mut config, UnmarshalOpts{})!


For example, the following code:

parse('42 // ultimate answer', ParseOpts{})

will fail with the following message:

Unexpected "/" at the end of the parsed content on line 1, column 4:
1 | 42 // ultimate answer
  |    ^

The message is formatted using the error fields, for example:

JsonError {
  reason  string = 'Unexpected "/" at the end of the parsed content'
  offset  int    = 3
  line    int    = 1
  column  int    = 3


This module is almost 3.8x faster than x.json2 when parsing:

❯ ./parse_bench.vsh

SPENT  1082.011 ms in parsing condensed with x.json2
SPENT   283.197 ms in parsing condensed with prantlf.json
SPENT  1047.946 ms in parsing pretty with x.json2
SPENT   284.696 ms in parsing pretty with prantlf.json

and almost 3.5x faster when stringifying:

❯ ./stringify_bench.vsh

SPENT  1271.921 ms in stringifying condensed with x.json2
SPENT   380.261 ms in stringifying condensed with prantlf.json
SPENT  1386.552 ms in stringifying pretty with x.json2
SPENT   398.728 ms in stringifying pretty with prantlf.json


This is a work in progress.

  • Support replacer for stringify and marshal and reviver for parse and unmarshal .
  • Finish the JSON5 support.
  • Help fixing a bug in V - generics doesn't support nested structs.


Strictly parse and format JSON data.

1 year ago

