

Utilities for working with file and directory paths, supporting both POSIX and Windows separators.

This package recognises both slash / (slash) and \ (backslash) as path-part separators. You can mix them in the paths and the parts of the path will still be recognised.

Similar packages:

Package Description
path recognises the path-part separator from the operating system
upath recognises the / (slash) as the path-part separator
wpath recognises the \ (backslash) as the path-part separator
bpath recognises both / (slash) and \ (backslash) as path-part separators


import prantlf.bpath { dirname }

dirname('/home/prantlf')     // returns '/home'
dirname(r'C:\Users\prantlf') // returns r'C:\Users'


You can install this package either from VPM or from GitHub:

v install prantlf.bpath
v install --git


The following functions are exported:

basename(path string) string

Theis method returns the last portion of a path, similar to the POSIX basename command. Trailing directory separators are ignored.

bpath.basename('/home/prantlf')     // returns 'prantlf'
bpath.basename(r'C:\Users\prantlf') // returns r'prantlf'

dirname(path string) string

This method returns the directory name of a path, similar to the POSIX dirname command. Trailing directory separators are ignored.

bpath.dirname('/home/prantlf')     // returns '/home'
bpath.dirname(r'C:\Users\prantlf') // returns r'C:\Users'

extname(path string) string

This method returns the extension of the path, from the last occurrence of the . (period) character to end of string in the last portion of the path. If there is no . in the last portion of the path, or if there are no . characters other than the first character of the basename of path (see basename above), an empty string is returned.

bpath.extname('/home/prantlf/')      // returns '.sh'
bpath.extname(r'C:\Users\prantlf\start.bat') // returns r'.bat'


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Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Ferdinand Prantl

Licensed under the MIT license.


Utilities for working with file and directory paths, supporting both POSIX and Windows separators.

1 year ago

