:space_invader: V password validator
Simple password validator using raw entropy values, written in
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Heavily influenced by go-password-validator
Install using
v install xy3.passvalid
Install using
cd path/to/your/project
git clone https://github.com/xy3/v-password-validator
Then in the wherever you want to use it:
import xy3.passvalid
And that's it!
🚀 Quick Start
import xy3.passvalid
fn main(){
entropy := passvalid.get_entropy("a longer password")
// entropy is a f64, representing the strength in base 2 (bits)
min_entropy_bits := 60
passvalid.validate("some password", min_entropy_bits) or { panic(err) }
// if the password has enough entropy, nothing is returned
// otherwise, a formatted error message is provided explaining
// how to increase the strength of the password
// (safe to show to the client)
What Entropy Value Should I Use?
It's up to you. That said, here is a graph that shows some common timings for different values, somewhere in the 50-70 range seems "reasonable".
Keep in mind that attackers likely aren't just brute-forcing passwords, if you want protection against common passwords or
PWNed passwords