Interacting with Objective-C from V
This is needed for several things:
- Replace the
prefix for inlining objc code in _darwin
files - Write iOS and macOS apps in pure V
- No .m code involved
- UIKit and other libraries will be set on top of this one
-- by pancake
The current implementation is working and stable, it could be more strict in types and can extend the amount of supported framework APIs.
import trufae.objc.ns
fn main() {
ap := ns.new_nsautorelease_pool()
a := ns.new_nsstring('hello world')
println('$a') // automatic .str() unwrapping
If this module gets integrated into the compiler it would be possible to do dynamic typing by sending objc messages.
Proposed syntaxes:
// class vs variable? maybe use a string syntax?
mmm := objc[NSString initWithCharacters: 'hello' length: 5]
mmm := objc[NSString initWithString: 'hello']
sss := objc[mmm initWithString: 'hello']
sss := objc.call([mmm, 'initWithString:', 'hello', 'length:', 5]) // XXX this looks wrong to me
msg := NSString(objc.call('NSString stringWithUTF8String:', ['hello world']))
gsm := objc.call('$msg append:', [' !!!!'])
msg := objc [ NSString stringWithUTF8String: 'hello world' ]
msg := [ 'NSString' stringWithUTF8String: 'hello world' ]
sss := [ msg stringWithUTF8String: 'hello world' ]
// as type definition, looks fun because it fits the struct syntax, but its actually calling code
type NSString = objc.Class
msg := NSString {
stringWithCharacters: 'hello'
length: 5
gsm := msg { append: ' world' }
// so it may be better to pick a different syntax for it
msg := objc.lookup_class('NSString').call({
initWithString: 'hello'
Links for inspiration: