
vpkg Latest version Build status

vpkg is an alternative package manager written on V for V.


Bringing the best of dependency management on V.

  • Decentralized. Download and use packages from other sources aside from VPM and the vpkg registry.
  • Easy to use. Set-up, use, and master the commands of vpkg CLI within minutes.
  • Fast. Runs perfectly on your potato PC up to the fastest supercomputers.
  • Interoperable. Supports v.mod , and .vpm.json for reading package manifests and managing dependencies.
  • Light. Weighs at less than 300kb. Perfect with devices running on tight storage or in low network conditions.
  • Reliable. Uses a lockfile mechanism to ensure that all your dependencies work across all of your machines.


Pre-built binaries

Install vpkg by downloading the pre-built binaries available found below the release notes of the latest release .

Building from Source

For those platforms which aren't included in the available pre-built binaries or would like to compile it by yourself, just clone this repository and build directly with the V compiler with the -prod flag.

git clone
cd vpkg/
v -prod .

Running your own registry

Use the provided registry server template to start running your own registry server. Just modify registry.json and use any HTTP or web library of your choice to get up and running.


Usage: vpkg <COMMAND> [ARGS...] [options]


get [packages]                             Fetch and installs packages from the registry or the git repo.
help                                       Show this help message.
info                                       Show project's package information.
init                                       Create a package manifest file into the current directory. Defaults to "vpkg".
install                                    Read the package manifest file and installs the necessary packages.
link                                       Symlink current module/package to ".vmodules" folder.
migrate manifest                           Migrate manifest file to a specified format.
release                                    Release a new version of the module.
remove [packages]                          Remove packages
test                                       Test the current lib/app.
update                                     Update the packages.
unlink                                     Remove the symlink of current module/package from ".vmodules" folder.
version                                    Show the version of this program.


--files [file1,file2]                      Specifiy other locations of test files (For "test" command)
--force                                    Force download the packages.
--format [vpkg|vmod]                       Specifiy file format used to init manifest. (For "migrate" and "init" commands)
--global, -g                               Install the modules/packages into the ".vmodules" folder.
--inc [major|minor|patch]                  Increment the selected version of the module/package. (For "release" command)
--state [state_name]                       Indicate the state of the release (alpha, beta, fix) (For "release" command)

vpkg API

Use vpkg as a module that you can use to integrate into your own programs. Create your own VSH scripts, automated installation, and more without needing a separate CLI program.

// install.v
module main

import vpkg.api as vpkg // or import nedpals.vpkg.api as vpkg

fn main() {
    mut inst :='.')['install'])

    os.system('rm ${os.executable()}')

$ v run install.v
Installing packages
Fetching nedpals.vargs

1 package was installed successfully.


  • ability to publish packages into VPM and the vpkg registry.
  • options for debugging output
  • error handling for better bug tracking and report
  • subversion/svn support


(C) 2019 Ned Palacios


1 year ago

