
VHamML Continuous Integration GitHub


A machine learning (ML) library for classification using a nearest neighbor algorithm based on Hamming distances.

You can incorporate the VHamML functions into your own code, or use the included Command Line Interface app ( src/vhamml.v ).

You can use VHamML with your own datasets, or with a selection of publicly available datasets that are widely used for demonstrating and testing ML classifiers, in the datasets directory. These files are either in ARFF (Attribute-Relation File Format) or in Orange file format .

Classification accuracy with datasets in the datasets directory: See this table . Please note that these results were generated using an earlier version, with separate HamNN and VHamNN modules.

What, another AI package? Is that necessary? And have a look here for a more complete description and potential use cases .

Glossary of terms


First, install V, if not already installed. On MacOS, Linux etc. you need git and a C compiler (For windows or android environments, see the v lang documentation ).

In a terminal:

git clone
cd v
sudo ./v symlink	# add v to your PATH

Clone this github repository:

cd ~               # go back to your home directory
git clone

Install the needed dependencies:

v install vsl
v install Mewzax.chalk

Go into the vhamml directory, compile the app, and try it out:

cd vhamml
v .                # compiles all the files in the folder
./vhamml --help    # displays help information about the various commands
                   # and options available. More specific help information
                   # is available for each command.

That's it!


v run . examples go


v up        # installs the latest release of V
git pull    # When you're in the vhamml directory, this command pulls in the 
            # latest version of vhamml
v update    # get the latest version of the libraries, including holder66.vhamml
v .         # recompile

Getting help:

The V lang community meets on Discord

For bug reports, feature requests, etc., please raise an issue on github

Speed things up:

Using the -c (--concurrent) flag makes use of available CPU cores may speed things up. A huge speedup happens if you compile using the -prod (for production) option. The compilation itself takes longer, but the resulting code is highly optimized.

v -prod .

And then run it, eg

./vhamml explore -s -c datasets/

Examples showing use of the Command Line Interface

Please see

Example: typical use case, a clinical risk calculator

Health care professionals frequently make use of calculators to inform clinical decision-making. Data regarding symptoms, findings on physical examination, laboratory and imaging results, and outcome information such as diagnosis, risk for developing a condition, or response to specific treatments, is collected for a sample of patients, and then used to form the basis of a formula that can be used to predict the outcome information of interest for a new patient, based on how their symptoms and findings, etc. compare to those in the dataset.

Please see .

Example: finding useful information embedded in noise

Please see a worked example here:

MNIST dataset

The file is too large to keep in the repository. If you wish to experiment with it, it can be downloaded by right-clicking on this link in a web browser, or downloaded via the command line:


The process of development in its early stages is described in this essay written in 1989.

Copyright (c) 2017, 2023: Henry Olders.


A machine learning (ML) library for classification using a nearest neighbor algorithm based on Hamming distances. You can incorporate the `VHamML` functions into your own code, or use the included Command Line Interface app (`src/vhamml.v`).

last Sep 22

