An ANSI color library for V. (Vlang)
This is a very simple library that provides some functions to print out colorful strings to the terminal. ANSI colors work on UNIX-like operating systems. I am not sure if Windows supports it. You can see for yourself: Wikipedia
Functions in this library returns strings that are prefixed with appropriate color codes and that are suffixed with a reset color code (so, you don't have to reset back to default terminal color).
Some examples
import ansicolors as a
import ansicolors as a
a.fg_black("hey ") +
a.fg_blue("how are you, ") +
a.fg_bright_yellow("today? ") +
a.fg_bright_magenta("I hope you are doing fantastic!")
import ansicolors as a
"hello guys :D"
import ansicolors as a
"I am glad, I found you."
The implementation is so repetitive, and it is quite possibly an unmaintainable codebase. But fortunately, I am not going to be actively maintaining it, as the library has no potential to grow. And the codebase is quite small, so, no worries!
I was bored, and I was interested in V.
Provided functionality:
// set text style
pub fn underline(text string) string
pub fn bold(text string) string
pub fn faint(text string) string
pub fn italic(text string) string
pub fn strikethrough(text string) string
// set foreground color
pub fn fg_black(text string) string
pub fn fg_red(text string) string
pub fn fg_green(text string) string
pub fn fg_yellow(text string) string
pub fn fg_blue(text string) string
pub fn fg_magenta(text string) string
pub fn fg_white(text string) string
pub fn fg_bright_black(text string) string
pub fn fg_bright_red(text string) string
pub fn fg_bright_green(text string) string
pub fn fg_bright_yellow(text string) string
pub fn fg_bright_blue(text string) string
pub fn fg_bright_magenta(text string) string
pub fn fg_bright_cyan(text string) string
pub fn fg_bright_white(text string) string
// set background color
pub fn bg_black(text string) string
pub fn bg_red(text string) string
pub fn bg_green(text string) string
pub fn bg_yellow(text string) string
pub fn bg_blue(text string) string
pub fn bg_magenta(text string) string
pub fn bg_white(text string) string
pub fn bg_bright_black(text string) string
pub fn bg_bright_red(text string) string
pub fn bg_bright_green(text string) string
pub fn bg_bright_yellow(text string) string
pub fn bg_bright_blue(text string) string
pub fn bg_bright_magenta(text string) string
pub fn bg_bright_cyan(text string) string
pub fn bg_bright_white(text string) string