HTTP library for V.
This was written mainly for the ability of having persistent cookies and headers (like Go's http.Client{Jar: jar} and Requests' session), but also offers a few other useful features that the standard lib doesn't.
v install Sorrow446.vrequests
import sorrow446.vrequests as requests
Initialise a new client with persistent cookies and headers
// All will be sent in further requests unless temporarily overriden by req_cfg or updated by the server.
mut client_cfg := requests.ClientConfig{
headers: {'Referer': 'https://github.com/'}
cookies: {'session_id': '1234'}
mut client := requests.new_client(mut client_cfg)
Header overriding
// All set cookies and headers will be sent.
resp := client.get(github_url, mut req_cfg)!
// All set cookies will be sent, but only the header in req_cfg will be sent. The client's headers won't be changed.
mut req_cfg := requests.ReqConfig{
headers: {'User-Agent': 'ue'}
resp := client.get(url, mut req_cfg)!
Download a file chunked with progress
client.download_file_chunked(url, 'out.png', mut req_cfg, fn (p requests.DownloadProgress) {
print("\r${p.percentage}% @ ${p.speed}/s, ${p.downloaded_hum}/${p.total_hum} ")
// 100% @ 6.2 MB/s, 11 MB/11 MB
Modifying and accessing the client's cookies and headers
user_id := client.cookies['user_id']
client.cookies['user_id'] = '1234'
h := {'Referer': 'abc'}
c := {'session_id': '5678'}
// Merge and overwrite any with the same keys.
// Clear previous ones, then set.
fn (Client) delete
fn (mut client Client) delete(url string, mut req_cfg ReqConfig) !http.Response
Sends an HTTP DELETE request to the given URL.
fn (Client) get
fn (mut client Client) get(url string, mut req_cfg ReqConfig) !http.Response
Sends an HTTP GET request to the given URL.
fn (Client) head
fn (mut client Client) head(url string, mut req_cfg ReqConfig) !http.Response
Sends an HTTP HEAD request to the given URL.
fn (Client) patch
fn (mut client Client) patch(url string, data string, mut req_cfg ReqConfig) !http.Response
Sends an HTTP PATCH request to the given URL.
fn (Client) post
fn (mut client Client) post(url string, data string, mut req_cfg ReqConfig) !http.Response
Sends an HTTP POST request to the given URL.
fn (Client) put
fn (mut client Client) put(url string, data string, mut req_cfg ReqConfig) !http.Response
Sends an HTTP PUT request to the given URL.
fn new_client
fn new_client(mut config ClientConfig) &Client
Returns a new client object.
fn (Client) post_multipart_form
fn (mut client Client) post_multipart_form(url string, mut conf PostMultipartFormData, mut req_cfg ReqConfig) !http.Response
Sends multipart form data conf as an HTTP POST request to the given url.
fn (Client) post_form
fn (mut client Client) post_form(url string, data map[string]string, mut req_cfg ReqConfig) !http.Response
Sends the map data as X-WWW-FORM-URLENCODED data to an HTTP POST request to the given url.
fn (Client) post_json
fn (mut client Client) post_json(url string, data string, mut req_cfg ReqConfig) !http.Response
Sends the JSON data as an HTTP POST request to the given url.
fn (Client) get_text
fn (mut client Client) get_text(url string, mut req_cfg ReqConfig) !string
Sends an HTTP GET request to the given url and returns the text content of the response.
fn (Client) download_file
fn (mut client Client) download_file(url string, out_file_path string, mut req_cfg ReqConfig) !
Downloads the content from the given URL and writes it to the output file path. All the content will be loaded into memory.
fn (Client) download_file_chunked
fn (mut client Client) download_file_chunked(url string, out_file_path string, mut req_cfg ReqConfig, cb fn (DownloadProgress)) !
Downloads the content from the given URL and writes it to the output file path in chunks. The progress callback will be called after each chunk is written. The server must provide a content length and an accept ranges header with "bytes."
fn (Client) set_cookies
fn (mut client Client) set_cookies(cookies map[string]string)
Sets the client's cookies, removing all previous ones.
fn (Client) update_cookies
fn (mut client Client) update_cookies(cookies map[string]string)
Updates the client's cookies with the provided ones.
fn (Client) clear_cookies
fn (mut client Client) clear_cookies(cookies map[string]string)
Clears the client's cookies.
fn (Client) set_headers
fn (mut client Client) set_headers(headers map[string]string)
Sets the client's headers, removing all previous ones.
fn (Client) update_headers
fn (mut client Client) update_headers(headers map[string]string)
Updates the client's headers with the provided ones.