
Vital Logo


Web framework for V.


mut app :=
app.get('/', fn(mut c vital.Context) ! {
  c.json("hello world")


  • Server

mut app := vital_new(Config)


  1. case_sensitive (bool)
  2. read_timeout (time.Duration)
  3. write_timeout (time.Duration)
  4. methods ([]string)
mut app := false, methods: ["get", "post"])


  1. listen(port number) Starts the server.

  2. error_handler(cb ErrorHandler) To Handle errors in request and send response.

// ErrorHandler
fn error_handler(err vital.Exception, mut c vital.Context){}
  1. method_not_allowed_handler(cb Handler) To Handle not allowed methods request.

  2. static_file(path string, dir string) To Serve Dir in root system.

  • Router

    To configure the endpoints of your application.

app.get(path, handler_function), handler_function)
app.delete(path, handler_function)
app.put(path, handler_function)
app.patch(path, handler_function)
app.head(path, handler_function)
app.connect(path, handler_function)
app.options(path, handler_function)
app.trace(path, handler_function)

path (string): A URL path to be matched with the requested URL. The path can include parameters like "/", ":id" or "/*all"

handler_function (function): A function that handles the request and generates a response. It takes one argument: Context, and return error.

path := '/hello'
fn handler_function(mut c vital.Context) ! {
app.get(path, handler_function)

path can be static like => "/user", "/posts" or "/". or can be dynamic like => "/:id" or catch all like => "/*"

Also you can group routers.

mut router := vital.new_router("/user")
router.get(path, handler_function)
  • Errors

Vital allow to return error in handler funtion

fn handler_function(mut c vital.Context) ! {
  // Custom error with status code
  return c.error("Bad Request", 400)
fn handler_function(mut c vital.Context) ! {
  // funtion will return error
  do_something() or {return err}

Vital have Exception for easy and fast error response

fn handler_function(mut c vital.Context) ! {
  // funtion will return error
  do_something() or {return vital.bad_request_exception}
  1. bad_request_exception

  2. not_found_exception

  3. forbidden_exception

  4. unauthorized_exception

  5. not_acceptable_exception

  6. internal_server_error_exception

  7. bad_gateway_exception

  8. method_not_allowed_exception

You can create Custom Exception:

exception := vital.new_exception(msg, status_code)
  • Context

  1. request

    Request return the http.Request pointer.
  2. body

    Used in get the request body to.
struct User {
  name string
user := c.body(User{}) or {panic("")}
  1. next

    Used in middleware to executes the next handler.
  2. param

    Method can be used to get the route parameter by key, require parameter key as string.
c.param("id") // return value for parameter :id
  1. add_custom_header

    Method used to add header.
c.add_custom_header(key string, value string)
  1. add_header

    Method used to add header with key in http.CommonHeader.
c.add_header(key http.CommonHeader, value string)
  1. add_custom_header_from_map

    Method used to add headers form map.
c.add_custom_header_from_map(header_map map[string]string)
  1. add_header_from_map

    Method used to add headers map with key in http.CommonHeader.
c.add_header_from_map(header_map map[http.CommonHeader]string)
  1. remove_header

    Method used to remove any number of headers.
c.remove_header(key ...string)
  1. status_code

    Method used add the status code that will send in response.
c.status_code(code int)
  1. status

    Like status_code but accept http.Status.
c.status(code http.Status)
  1. send_status

    Like status but will send the response too.
c.send_status(code http.Status)
  1. json

    Method used to send json response.
c.json[T](j T)
  1. text

    Method used to send text response.
c.text[T](j T)
  1. html

    Method used to send html file.
c.html(path string)
  1. redirect

    Redirects to the URL derived from the specified path.
c.redirect(url string)
  1. redirect

    Redirects to the URL derived from the specified path.
c.redirect(url string)
  1. write

    Method used to write bytes []u8 into the connection
c.write(bytes []u8)
  1. write_response

    Method used to write http.Response into the connection
c.write_response(response http.Response)
  1. set_cookie

    Method to set cookies. cookie options
struct Cookie_options {
    name        string    [required]
    value       string    [required]
    path        string = '/'
    domain      string
    max_age     int
    signed      bool
    http_only   bool
    secure      bool
    expires     time.Time
    raw_expires string
c.set_cookie(name: name, value: value)
  1. file

    To stream files.
struct FileOptions {
    path string [required]
    start u64
    stream bool
    chunk int = 65536
    require_range bool
    range_exception Exception
c.file(path: file_path)
  1. log

    struct can be used to print information from handlers


    • info
    • error
    • debug
    • warn
    • verbose


1 year ago

