
OWMW: Open Weather Map Wrapper

OWMW is an acronym for Open Weather Map Wrapper. With OWMW you can easily gather data about the weather in the area. All you need is a (free) token from OWM .


To install OWMW, you can use VPM .

$ v install Bowero.owmw

Please note: Due to a bug, you will have to rename the folder to bowero.riv . So no uppercases.


module main

import bowero.owmw

const (
    token = 'TOKEN'

fn main() {
    w := owmw.start(Token, 1)
    city := w.city_by_name('Rotterdam')
$ v run test.v 

As you see, it is hot nowadays.


To start, you will have to initialize the wrapper with your token:

w := owmw.start(Token, metric)

If you prefer the imperial system, you pass 0 to metric . For metric systems you pass 1 .

After initializing, you can store a city:

city := owmw.city_by_name('Rotterdam')
city := owmw.city_by_id(2747891)

A list with the IDs can be found on the website of Open Weather Map .

After selecting a city, you can gather data from it.

Available data

I am still developing this wrapper, but I wanted to share this before version 1. Be aware that this is an alpha stage and that many things are still missing.

  • Coordinates

    • .longitude() : The longitude of the city as f32
    • .latitude() : The latitude of the city as f32
  • Weather (An overview of these values can be found here )

    • .condition_id() : The condition ID of the weather as int
    • .description() : The description of the weather as string , can also be determined from the .condition_id()
    • .description_long() : The detailed description of the weather as string , can also be determined from the .condition_id()
    • .icon() : The icon of the weather as string , can also be determined from the .condition_id()
  • Main

    • .temperature() : The current temperature as f32
    • .pressure() : The air pressure as int
    • .humidity() : The humidity percentage as int
    • .min_temperature() : The minimum temperature as f32
    • .max_temperature() : The maximum temperature as f32
  • Wind

    • .wind_speed() : The wind speed as f32
    • .wind_degrees() : The wind direction in meteorical degrees as int
  • City

    • .city_id() : The ID of the city as int
    • .city_name() : The name of the city as string
    • .country() : The name of the country of the city as string
    • .sunrise() : The UNIX timestamp of the sunrise as int
    • .sunset() : The UNIX timestamp of the sunset as int
  • Miscellaneous

    • .visible_meters() : The visibility in meters as int
    • .cloudiness() : The cloudiness as percentage as int
    • .data_calculation() : The UNIX timestamp at which the data has been calculated as int


last May 7

