

OpenGL-bindings for the V programming language.

Operating System V-version Result
ZorinOS Core 16.3 0.4.1 xxxxx Running
ZorinOS Core 16.3 0.4.2 413da8b Running

Early Release!!

Notice , this Library should work on all Major Platforms, but the provided example works only with Linux right now. Also its likely that there are some Bugs can occure, since the function parameter are machine-casted.


Install via VPM:

v install noxomix.vGL

In order to use OpenGL you don't need to preinstall any shared lib or anything. vGL already provides the necassary header-only C library for that. vGL uses Glad for connecting the OpenGL function with your system. By default, vGL comes with the OpenGL 2.0 Version without any extensions loaded. In order to use newer Versions (+ one of the many Extensions) this module provides all functions up to OpenGL 4.6, with just replacing the /c/gl/gl.h by your prefered Version, downloaded from Glad.

In order to be able to use the examples/gears.v you need to setup GLFW, under Debian/Ubuntu-based systems you can install the required library by:

sudo apt-get install libglfw3-dev

(or without the -dev ) and under Manjaro-based systems use:

pamac install glfw-x11

For all other OS there will be install Guides find on the official ⇱ GLFW-website . But notice the V-bindings for GLFW currently only working for Linux, you may create a Pull Request to the repositiory.


We use GLFW for the Windowing-system in our examples. Feel free to use any other one, vGL is not limeted to GLFW. Luckily @Duarteroso provides a GLFW wrapper for V (unfortunatly Linux only for now).
If you need a basic example into VGLFW, you can use the code from in @Duarteroso's repository:

⇱ Link to VGLFW . Just remember - you need to hook up the context and register the context-pointer to use vGL in GLFW.

If anything is not working, don't hesitate to create an Issue and feel free to contact me at Discord @theonxmx . I will try my best to fix it.

Gears.v example:

module main

import math
import vglfw as glfw //or import duarteroso.vglfw as glfw
import noxomix.vgl as gl

    //define PI
    m_pi = gl.GLfloat(math.pi)

fn gear(inner_radius gl.GLfloat, outer_radius gl.GLfloat, width gl.GLfloat, teeth gl.GLint, tooth_depth gl.GLfloat) {
    mut i := gl.GLint(0)
    mut u, mut v, mut len := gl.GLfloat(0), gl.GLfloat(0), gl.GLfloat(0)
    mut r0 := inner_radius
    mut r1 := gl.GLfloat(outer_radius - tooth_depth / 2)
    mut r2 := gl.GLfloat(outer_radius + tooth_depth / 2)
    mut da := gl.GLfloat(2 * m_pi / gl.GLfloat(teeth) / 4)
    mut angle := gl.GLfloat(0)

    gl.normal_3f(gl.GLfloat(0), gl.GLfloat(0), gl.GLfloat(1))

    /* draw front face */
    for i = 0; i <= teeth; i++ {
        angle = gl.GLfloat(i * gl.GLfloat(2) * m_pi / teeth)
        gl.vertex_3f(r0 * gl.GLfloat(f32(math.cos(angle))), gl.GLfloat(r0 * f32(math.sin(angle))), gl.GLfloat(width * 0.5))
        gl.vertex_3f(r1 * gl.GLfloat(f32(math.cos(angle))), r1 * gl.GLfloat(f32(math.sin(angle))), gl.GLfloat(width * 0.5))
        if i < teeth {
            gl.vertex_3f(r0 * gl.GLfloat(f32(math.cos(angle))), r0 * gl.GLfloat(f32(math.sin(angle))), gl.GLfloat(width * 0.5))
            gl.vertex_3f(r1 * gl.GLfloat(f32(math.cos(angle + 3 * da))), r1 *  gl.GLfloat(f32(math.sin(angle + 3 * da))), gl.GLfloat(width * 0.5))

    da = gl.GLfloat(2) * gl.GLfloat(m_pi / teeth / f32(4))
    for i = 0; i < teeth; i++ {
        angle = i * f32(2) * gl.GLfloat(m_pi / teeth)
        gl.vertex_3f(r1 * f32(math.cos(angle)), r1 * f32(math.sin(angle)), width * 0.5)
        gl.vertex_3f(r2 * f32(math.cos(angle + da)), r2 * f32(math.sin(angle + da)), width * 0.5)
        gl.vertex_3f(r2 * f32(math.cos(angle + 2 * da)), r2 * f32(math.sin(angle + 2 * da)), width * 0.5)
        gl.vertex_3f(r1 * f32(math.cos(angle + 3 * da)), r1 * f32(math.sin(angle + 3 * da)), width * 0.5)

    gl.normal_3f(0.0, 0.0, -1.0)
    for i = 0; i <= teeth; i++ {
        angle = i * f32(2) * f32(m_pi / teeth)
        gl.vertex_3f(r1 * f32(math.cos(angle)), r1 * f32(math.sin(angle)), -width * 0.5)
        gl.vertex_3f(r0 * f32(math.cos(angle)), r0 * f32(math.sin(angle)), -width * 0.5)
        if i < teeth {
            gl.vertex_3f(r1 * f32(math.cos(angle + 3 * da)), r1 * f32(math.sin(angle + 3 * da)), -width * 0.5)
            gl.vertex_3f(r0 * f32(math.cos(angle)), r0 * f32(math.sin(angle)), -width * 0.5)

    /* draw back sides of teeth */
    da = f32(2) * f32(m_pi / teeth / f32(4))
    for i = 0; i < teeth; i++ {
        angle = i * f32(2) * f32(m_pi / teeth)

        gl.vertex_3f(r1 * f32(math.cos(angle + 3 * da)), r1 * f32(math.sin(angle + 3 * da)), -width * 0.5)
        gl.vertex_3f(r2 * f32(math.cos(angle + 2 * da)), r2 * f32(math.sin(angle + 2 * da)), -width * 0.5)
        gl.vertex_3f(r2 * f32(math.cos(angle + da)), r2 * f32(math.sin(angle + da)), -width * 0.5)
        gl.vertex_3f(r1 * f32(math.cos(angle)), r1 * f32(math.sin(angle)), -width * 0.5)

    for i = 0; i < teeth; i++ {
        angle = i * f32(2) * f32(m_pi / teeth)
        gl.vertex_3f(r1 * f32(math.cos(angle)), r1 * f32(math.sin(angle)), width * 0.5)
        gl.vertex_3f(r1 * f32(math.cos(angle)), r1 * f32(math.sin(angle)), -width * 0.5)
        u = r2 * f32(math.cos(angle + da)) - r1 * f32(math.cos(angle))
        v = r2 * f32(math.sin(angle + da)) - r1 * f32(math.sin(angle))
        len = f32(math.sqrt(u * u + v * v))
        u /= len;
        v /= len;
        gl.normal_3f(v, -u, 0.0)
        gl.vertex_3f(r2 * f32(math.cos(angle + da)), r2 * f32(math.sin(angle + da)), width * 0.5)
        gl.vertex_3f(r2 * f32(math.cos(angle + da)), r2 * f32(math.sin(angle + da)), -width * 0.5)
        gl.normal_3f(f32(math.cos(angle)), f32(math.sin(angle)), f32(0))
        gl.vertex_3f(r2 * f32(math.cos(angle + 2 * da)), r2 * f32(math.sin(angle + 2 * da)), width * 0.5)
        gl.vertex_3f(r2 * f32(math.cos(angle + 2 * da)), r2 * f32(math.sin(angle + 2 * da)), -width * 0.5)
        u = r1 * f32(math.cos(angle + 3 * da)) - r2 * f32(math.cos(angle + 2 * da))
        v = r1 * f32(math.sin(angle + 3 * da)) - r2 * f32(math.sin(angle + 2 * da))
        gl.normal_3f(v, -u, f32(0))
        gl.vertex_3f(r1 * f32(math.cos(angle + 3 * da)), r1 * f32(math.sin(angle + 3 * da)), width * 0.5)
        gl.vertex_3f(r1 * f32(math.cos(angle + 3 * da)), r1 * f32(math.sin(angle + 3 * da)), -width * 0.5)
        gl.normal_3f(f32(math.cos(angle)), f32(math.sin(angle)), f32(0))
    gl.vertex_3f(r1 * f32(math.cos(0)), r1 * f32(math.sin(0)), width * 0.5)
    gl.vertex_3f(r1 * f32(math.cos(0)), r1 * f32(math.sin(0)), -width * 0.5)



    for i = 0; i <= teeth; i++ {
        angle = i * f32(2) * f32(m_pi / teeth)
        gl.normal_3f(-f32(math.cos(angle)), -f32(math.sin(angle)), 0)
        gl.vertex_3f(r0 * f32(math.cos(angle)), r0 * f32(math.sin(angle)), -width * 0.5)
        gl.vertex_3f(r0 * f32(math.cos(angle)), r0 * f32(math.sin(angle)), width * 0.5)

fn draw(mut view_rotx gl.GLfloat, mut view_roty gl.GLfloat, mut view_rotz gl.GLfloat, mut gear1 gl.GLint, mut gear2 gl.GLint, mut gear3 gl.GLint, mut angle gl.GLfloat) {

    gl.clear_color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    gl.clear(gl.gl_color_buffer_bit | gl.gl_depth_buffer_bit)

    gl.rotatef(view_rotx, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    gl.rotatef(view_roty, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
    gl.rotatef(view_rotz, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

    gl.translatef(-3.0, -2.0, 0.0)
    gl.rotatef(angle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

    gl.translatef(3.1, f32(-2), f32(0));
    gl.rotatef(gl.GLfloat(gl.GLfloat(-2) * angle - f32(9)), f32(0), f32(0), f32(1))

    gl.translatef(-3.1, 4.2, f32(0))
    gl.rotatef(gl.GLfloat(-gl.GLfloat(2) * angle - f32(25)), f32(0), f32(0), f32(1))

fn animate(mut angle gl.GLfloat) {
    angle = f32(100) * glfw.get_time() or {exit(0)}

/* program & OpenGL initialization */
fn init_(mut gear1 gl.GLint, mut gear2 gl.GLint, mut gear3 gl.GLint) {

    mut pos := [gl.GLfloat(5), 5, 10, 0]
    mut red := [gl.GLfloat(0.8), 0.1, 0, 1]
    mut green := [gl.GLfloat(0), 0.8, 0.2, 1]
    mut blue := [gl.GLfloat(0.2), 0.2, 1, 1]

    gl.lightfv(gl.gl_light0, gl.gl_position, unsafe {&pos[0]})

    /* make the gears */
    gear1 = gl.gen_lists(1)
    gl.new_list(gear1, gl.gl_compile)
    gl.materialfv(gl.gl_front, gl.gl_ambient_and_diffuse, unsafe {&red[0]})
    gear(gl.GLfloat(1), gl.GLfloat(4), gl.GLfloat(1), 20, gl.GLfloat(0.7))

    gear2 = gl.gen_lists(1)
    gl.new_list(gear2, gl.gl_compile)
    gl.materialfv(gl.gl_front, gl.gl_ambient_and_diffuse, unsafe {&green[0]})
    gear(gl.GLfloat(0.5), gl.GLfloat(2), gl.GLfloat(2), 10, gl.GLfloat(0.7))

    gear3 = gl.gen_lists(1)
    gl.new_list(gear3, gl.gl_compile)
    gl.materialfv(gl.gl_front, gl.gl_ambient_and_diffuse, unsafe {&blue[0]})
    gear(gl.GLfloat(1.3), gl.GLfloat(2), gl.GLfloat(0.5), 10, gl.GLfloat(0.7))
    //gl.gl_begin_conditional_render_nv(16, gl.gl_tess_gen_point_mode)


fn reshape(window &glfw.GLFWwindow, width int, height int) {
    mut h := gl.GLfloat(height) / gl.GLfloat(width)

    mut znear := gl.GLfloat(5.0)
    mut zfar  := gl.GLfloat(30.0)
    mut xmax  := gl.GLfloat(gl.GLfloat(znear) * gl.GLfloat(0.5))

    gl.viewport( 0, 0, gl.GLint(width), gl.GLint(height) )
    gl.matrix_mode( gl.gl_projection )
    gl.frustum( - f32(xmax), f32(xmax), -f32(xmax)*h, f32(xmax)*h, f32(znear), f32(zfar) )
    gl.matrix_mode( gl.gl_modelview )
    gl.translatef( 0.0, 0.0, -20.0 )

fn main() {
    //initialize the GLFW (name conversion causing init() isn't available at V)
    glfw.window_hint(glfw.glfw_depth_bits, 16)!
    glfw.window_hint(glfw.glfw_transparent_framebuffer, glfw.glfw_true)!

    //need to be global
    mut view_rotx, mut view_roty, mut view_rotz := gl.GLfloat(0), gl.GLfloat(0), gl.GLfloat(0)
    mut gear1, mut gear2, mut gear3 := gl.GLint(0), gl.GLint(0), gl.GLint(0)
    mut angle := gl.GLfloat(0)

    //create the Window
    mut window := glfw.create_window_desc(glfw.WindowDesc{
        size: glfw.Size{
            width: 300
            height: 300
        title: 'Gears'
    }, unsafe {nil}, unsafe { nil })!

    //make context current

    reshape(glfw.get_window_context_helper(window), window.get_size()!.width, window.get_size()!.height)
    init_(mut gear1, mut gear2, mut gear3)
    //run the window loop
    for !(window.should_close()!) {
        // Draw gears
        draw(mut view_rotx, mut view_roty, mut view_rotz, mut gear1, mut gear2, mut gear3, mut angle)
        //reshape(glfw.get_window_context_helper(window), window.get_size()!.width, window.get_size()!.height)
        // Update animation
        animate(mut angle)


    //terminate window after close/ending it

    //exit the V program


OpenGL bindings for the V language.

last Sep 29

