

A module for the V programming language which facilitates the use of the GNU Getopt library via a more V-like interface.

Version 0.4


  • V-like getopt() shim
  • V-like getopt_long() shim
  • Auto --help output generation


$ v install edam.ggetopt


The API has been kept in the spirit of GNU getopt library.

Short Options (very basic)

At its most basic, you can use getopt() to process only short options, similar to how you would in C. The only major different is that processing programme arguments is done in a function, not a loop.

import edam.ggetopt

struct Options {
    verbose bool
    name    string = 'user'

fn main() {
    mut opts := &Options{}
    ggetopt.getopt_cli('vu:?', fn [mut opts] (arg string, val ?string) ! {
        match arg {
            'v' { opts.verbose = true }
            'u' { = val or { '' } }
            '?' { println('Usage: myprog [-v] [-u NAME] [-?]') exit(0) }
            else {}
    }) or { exit(1) }

    if opts.verbose {
        println('debug: printing name')
    println('Hi ${}!')

Note: getopt_cli() just calls getopt() , passing in os.args .

Long Options (typical usage)

Defining long options is done in an array, just like getopt_long() in C, but, as a small improvement, the short options string no longer needs to be supplied as it can be derived from the long options.

Note that the array of options ( OptDef s, actually) is built-up with the following functions:

  • option factory function: opt(long_name string, short_opt ?rune)
  • extend option with an argument: .arg(arg_name string, required bool)
  • default --help option factory function: opt_help()
import edam.ggetopt

const (
    options = [
        ggetopt.opt('user', `u`).arg('NAME', true),
        ggetopt.opt('insult', `i`).arg('ADJECTIVE', false),
        ggetopt.opt('verbose', none),

struct Options {
    name    string = 'user'
    insult  ?string
    verbose bool

fn (mut o Options) process_arg(arg string, val ?string) ! {
    match arg {
        'u', 'user' { = val or { '' } }
        'i', 'insult' { o.insult = val or { 'stinky' } }
        'verbose' { o.verbose = true }
        'help' { ggetopt.print_help(options) exit(0) }
        else {}

fn main() {
    mut opts := Options{}
    rest := ggetopt.getopt_long_cli(options, opts.process_arg) or { exit(1) }

    if opts.verbose {
        println('debug: printing message')
    greet := if insult := opts.insult { 'Hi ${insult}' } else { 'Hello' }
    println('${greet} ${}!')
    if rest.len > 10 {
        ggetopt.die('too many arguments!')
    } else if rest.len > 0 {
        println(rest.join(' '))

You can use die() to terminate with a non-zero exit code and an error message prefixed by the name of the binary, e.g.: myprog: your message . You can get the name of the binary (which comes from os.args[0] ) with prog() , as shown in the next example.

OptDefs and Automatic Help (getting fancy!)

To use getopt_long() and getopt_long_cli() , you must pass in an array of OptDef s. These define the available options, but they can also define help strings, which can be used by print_help() to generate some sensible-looking help text.

  • extend option with help text: .help(text string)
  • line of text (not an option) factory function: text(text string)
  • default --help option factory function: opt_help()
  • default --version option factory function: opt_version()

All help/text output is line-wrapped.

const (
    options = [
        ggetopt.text('Usage: ${ggetopt.prog()} [OPTION]... [MESSAGE]...')
        ggetopt.opt('user', `u`).arg('NAME', true)
            .help("provide the user's NAME")
        ggetopt.opt('insult', `i`).arg('ADJECTIVE', false)
            .help('insult the user (default: stinky)')
        ggetopt.opt('verbose', none)
            .help('show debug information')

Then, print_help() will output:

Usage: myprog [OPTION]... [MESSAGE]...

  -u, --user=NAME           provide the user's NAME
  -i, --insult[=ADJECTIVE]  insult the user (default: stinky)
      --verbose             show debug information
      --help                display this help and exit

Note, there's also a print_version() to help with --version output.

Error handling

By default, GNU getopt writes errors to stderr (as well as returning them). This can be disabled, so that you can display any returned error yourself:


The errors that are returned by getopt() , getopt_cli() , getopt_long() and getopt_long_cli() are not entirely the same as the errors that GNU getopt displays. They have been changed only for consistence.


Testing the module

$ v test .


To dump GNU getopt library state, after each call to getopt_long() , set ggetopt_debug when running the code, like so:

$ v -d ggetopt_debug ...


0.1 - Initial version

0.2 - Renamed opt() fns; tests; help-gen improvements (wrapping, config)

0.3 - Added print_version(); fixed tests

0.4 - Added die(), prog(); fixed text(''); gen_wraped_lines() handles newlines; errors from process_fn are eprintln()ed when report_errors(true)


Copyright (C) 2023 Tim Marston [email protected]

GNU Lesser General Public Licence (version 3 or later)


1 year ago

